Wednesday, December 2, 2020

how to set up and add graphics.h in dev cpp and run graphics programs in dev cpp

in this post, we are going to set up dev c++ to write graphics programs using graphics.h

First, you need to download some files frome > here
extract the file and there will be three files graphics.h & winbgim.h ,libbgi.a .
ok so now you have the required files.

step 1: go to this directory in your computer.
 C:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\include  and paste graphics.h & winbgim.h files in that folder

step2: go to this directory
  C:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include and paste those two files in that folder too.

step 3: open folder 
C:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib and paste libbgi.a in that folder 

now open new Project in dev c++ select empty project and click on c++
and create a new c++ dev c++ files and then click in project > project Options > paramiter tab and on linker box paste these lines


and click ok 

now follow the step shown in the image bellow

and now you can write your program and run it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

cs602 assignment 1 solution fall 2020 computer graphics

hello, Folks how are you hope you are doing great. so as you know cs602 assignment is uploaded a few days ago so I have made a video on it and I just code the whole assignment in the video hope you like it.

to run these files you need a dev c++ don't know how to run a c++ file? check it here 

to draw graphics on screen using dev c++ you need to add graphics. h header files in it dev c++ don't have built-in so we have to provide it before we run our program.

you can download it from here on my post How To Run Graphics Program In Dev Cpp using graphics.h it's for x64-bit machines.

>> Download Files    PASSWORD: 123  
Thank you😎


Thursday, November 26, 2020

How to set up JAVA Development in Windows

what you learn on this page is:

What is required to run a java program?
What is JDK?
How to download JDK?
How to install JDK?
How to setup environment variables for JDK.
Run your first JAVA "hello world" application.

What is required to run a java program?

To run a java program you need to install JDK. without JDK you cant compile a java program and run it. That's all you need a text editor to write your code and JDK to compile your program and run it.

What is JDK?

JDK stands for Java Development Kit. JDK contains java implementations and JVM (Java Virtual Machine) when you compile a java program JVM which is in JDK take your program and generate Byte Code and when you execute your program then it uses that byte code to run your program in ender lying machine. that's why java is portable you can run the same program on any operating system and architecture because JVM just creates byte code and then with byte code it creates assembly that used by machines.

How to Download JDK?

You can download JDK from Oracle's official Site there are 64bit and 32-bit versions available but if you are going to install JDK 14 and later your machine has to be the support of 64 bit otherwise you have to install the older version if you are on a 32-bit machine.

How to install JDK?

After Downloading JDK 
double click on it and then hit next and click in install leave all the setting on default and after installation click on finish.
I have the whole video you can watch it here How to download and install JDK for java.

How to setup environment variables for JDK

that's the most important part after installing JDK you won't be able to compile java and run programs because your machine doesn't know where to look for the java compiler so we have to tell our machine where it is.

open your java installation path it should be this id you have installed JDK 64-bit

C:\Program FIles\JAVA\JDK15-0-1\bin

or if you have installed JDK 32-bit then it should be

C:\Program FIles (x83)\JAVA\JDK15-0-1\bin

in my case, I have installed JDK 15 on my machine so I have jdk-15-0-1 but in your case, it might be different.

Copy that path C:\Program FIles\JAVA\JDK15-0-1\bin from your machine
and then from the keyboard
Press Start Button and reach for "Edit the System and Environment variables" click on that.

then a window will open on that window click on "Environment Variables" then a new window will open on that window under the heading "user variables" find "path" and click on path open it and then click on new and paste your java path there.
and finally, close all the windows by clicking ok. It's all done
now open CMD 
press window + R from the keyboard and then type CMD and hit enter in CMD type
you will see something like
C:\Users\your username>
type javac and hit enter.
There should be a lot of information you see. it means everything is ok and now you can compile your Java programs.

if you this 
javac is not a internal or externat command

then it means that you did not have set environment variables correctly go back and do it again correctly

 here is the Video: How to download and install JDK and set Environment variables.

Run your first JAVA "hello world" application.

I have a video on it you can watch it: hello world program in Java

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

CS506 Assignment 1 Fall 2020 Solution Complete Live Coding | java web design and development

CS506 Assignment 1 Fall 2020 First assignment of cs506 web design and development

The assignment solution is their guys wait is over but you have to make some changes I have mention in files where you have to remove some code.

you will see something like this and you have to remove itself and some code of lines below it these are just for debugging I hope Watch the video where I explain it.

//TODO:   Remove code bellow 



and you have to remove some code bellow it be care full while changing and removing take some backup of your java code so if you mess up you can back it up again, and you can also download cs506 files from here so don't worry but be careful.


How to Download?

click in the Download Files bellow and then the page will load after loading completes
click on Download as Zip and files will be downloaded.
you may need to install WinRAR to extract files.

Download Files Don't know how to Run java Programs? you can watch my video where I have explained How to set up JAVA Development.

Friday, October 23, 2020

How to Download and Install dev Cpp in windows

How to Download and Install dev Cpp in windows
To write a c++ program you need two things editor and a compiler you can probably use a notepad or notepad++ to write code and compile to run and test your code. there are special editors called IDES (Integrated Development Environments) they have some advance and cool features that help you to write your code and execute it easily.

Dev C++ is IDE used to write c and c++ program in this post I am gonna show you how you can download and install dev ++. and you can also see here to write your first c++ program hello world program using dev c++.

Why you wanna use an IDE when you can write code on a simple application like notepad?
well to run your C/ C++ program you need a compiler you can actually install only a compiler alone and then use any editor to write code and use command prompt/Terminal to compile your code.
Dev c++ include c/c++ compile so when you install dev c++ it's going to install gcc/g++ compilers you so you did not need to install them separately and you can use it to write your code and then compile and execute it.

you can download Dev ++ from here 

After downloading Dev c++ double click on the dev c++ exe file and
click in install
Click on next and accept the license and then next leave everything to default. and installation will start and then click on Finish.

Video How to Setup dev c++ IDE in windows

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Introduction to Programming With cpp


What is Programming?
why you need to learn it?
what you can do?
what is c++ ?
why c++?

What is Programming?

Programming is way to tell computer what he has to do. Computer is a dumb device. it does not know to what and how to do so we need to tell it exactly what we want him to do for us.

Why you need to learn it?

we are in era of in which used of computer science and technology increased dramatically. computer are used every where in Education, business, home , small or large enterprises, Industry, in mobile devices off course.