Friday, October 23, 2020

How to Download and Install dev Cpp in windows

To write a c++ program you need two things editor and a compiler you can probably use a notepad or notepad++ to write code and compile to run and test your code. there are special editors called IDES (Integrated Development Environments) they have some advance and cool features that help you to write your code and execute it easily.

Dev C++ is IDE used to write c and c++ program in this post I am gonna show you how you can download and install dev ++. and you can also see here to write your first c++ program hello world program using dev c++.

Why you wanna use an IDE when you can write code on a simple application like notepad?
well to run your C/ C++ program you need a compiler you can actually install only a compiler alone and then use any editor to write code and use command prompt/Terminal to compile your code.
Dev c++ include c/c++ compile so when you install dev c++ it's going to install gcc/g++ compilers you so you did not need to install them separately and you can use it to write your code and then compile and execute it.

you can download Dev ++ from here 

After downloading Dev c++ double click on the dev c++ exe file and
click in install
Click on next and accept the license and then next leave everything to default. and installation will start and then click on Finish.

Video How to Setup dev c++ IDE in windows

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